Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Bunny Meadow

We also recently decided on Bean's crib bedding -->

Its called Bunny Meadow & I find it to be just the perfect combination of modern & organic/nature-inspired...

I'm thinking that her room will be ecru, chocolate & sage...along with just a pop or 2 of light pink here and there, to add a bit of girlish flavor;-)

Decorating might truly be my favorite pastime. I can't WAIT for this room to all come together:)

Baby Appleseed

After much deliberation & research (& indecisiveness!) we finally chose the furniture for Bean's nursery. The order has been placed & it should be delivered to us in about 10 weeks.

Yay to that!

The company who makes it is called Baby Appleseed and when you purchase one of their cribs, they plant 10 trees in your baby's name. How cool is that?! My little Bean is already a little environmentalist!

I'm so proud of her;-)

The collection we chose is called Davenport and we ordered her a crib, a combo dresser/changing table & a tall dresser. Its all so beautiful and I can't wait to set it up in her room.

I'm so glad that we took so long shopping around because I wasn't truly excited about anything that we'd seen until we saw this one...

I just love it.

Hopefully Bean will love it just as much.

15 weeks to go!

Today completes my 25th week of pregnancy...

Here's a photo that Rob took of me over the weekend -->

It sure seems that Bean is growing big & strong in there...

Just look at that belly poppin' out! ;-)

thenest.com tells me that she is as big as an EGGPLANT now:)

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

My Bouncing Baby Girl

Though it may have taken forever for me to first feel her move...now I feel her all the time! And let me just tell you.........it's the best:)

Last night when he got home from work, Rob got to feel her for the first time, too! She moved twice for him, in fact. It was really exciting. We had been waiting for that moment for a long time...

I notice that she moves most often when I am the most still...most always when I am laying down or sitting...and sometimes right after I've eaten something.

I'm sure she will be moving all the time soon enough...but feeling her flop around in there just every now & again is sOoOoOo special to me right now.

I will cherish these moments forever:)

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Prego Pals

Rob took this photo of Dawn & I on Friday, May 9th...me in my 23rd week & she in her 30th.

Her little boy is due to arrive about 2 months before my little girl is!

Hopefully they will get to grow up together & be great friends:)

Letter to a Bean 5

Dear Bean,

How are you doing, my littlest love?

We are just entering our 24th week...and 24 has been my lucky number for as long as I can remember...so this is bound to be an extra special week for us:)

I have been patiently waiting to feel you move for weeks & you have finally obliged my silent requests:) For the past 4 days, I have felt you move every single day!! It happens the most often when I am driving or after I eat or drink something and its truly just the coolest feeling ever. Sometimes it feels like you are lightly tickling me and other times it feels like you are flipping around in there like a little fish! One night over the weekend, Daddy & I were watching a movie and you made me jump TWICE! Those were more than just tickles...I think they might have been your first actual kicks;-)

This past Sunday was Mother's Day and so many of our friends & family members were nice enough to acknowledge me as a Mom in spite of the fact that you haven't been born yet;-) I got cards, emails & text messages and they all made me feel so special & happy. Just a few more months & I will be a MOM.

I still can hardly believe it.

Well, Miss Bean...I hope you're having a nice day in there. Please continue to kick & tickle me often.

See you soon.


Thursday, May 1, 2008

Letter to a Bean 4

Hey Bean:)

How are you doing in there? I can't believe that it's May already. We are flying right through this pregnancy, aren't we?

It was the greatest feeling to see you last week during our ultrasound. You looked wonderful:) Thanks for cooperating for us because now that we know that you're a girl, we are able to buy cute things for you as we find them & that is LOTS of fun for mommy! I bought you your first pair of Chuck Taylors yesterday and they just might be the cutest little things I have ever seen. I can't wait for you to be able to wear them.

Daddy & I had another visit with the OB yesterday afternoon. This time we met the third & final doctor in the practice: Dr. Heinzel. He was really funny & very nice. We liked him a lot. He said that your heart rate was measuring at about 155 beats per minute & he also said that its a good sign that it seems to be going up & down. We were glad to hear that. It still sounds like galloping horses to me!

While we were there, we also learned that I have what's called an "anterior placenta." Dr. Heinzel said that this is why I haven't been able to feel you moving or kicking yet; because my placenta is positioned right in the front of my belly & it is acting like an extra cushion between us! So you will have to get a bit bigger and stronger before I will be able to feel you move through all of that padding! So grow-grow-grow, little bean;-)

After the appointment, we visited a baby furniture store and found a beautiful set that I think we may end up getting for your nursery. We're going to look around a bit more first though...just to be sure that we love that one best of all. Next we'll have to pick out your bedding set. Its so hard to choose one because there are so many out there. I wish you could tell me what your favorite color is because I am having a very hard time deciding what color to paint your room!!

Ah well. Its about time for lunch again. Honey Bunches of Oats with banana slices & vanilla soy milk sounds delicious to me today:) I am going to go get us some.

Have a good day, my love. I will see you soon.

Your Mom