Thursday, July 30, 2009

*Birthday Wishes*

Stella had lots of loved ones to wish a HAPPY BIRTHDAY to this month:~) Meanwhile...we are in the midst of planning a big party for her...coming up in just about a month & a half!!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

*10 months*

I'm a few days late in posting this time around...but our little peanut is now TEN MONTHS OLD:) I can't BELIEVE that we'll be celebrating her BIRTHDAY in less than 2 months!!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Oh & one other thing...

I love the shore!

Tooth #1

No. Absolutely not. I refuse to show you my tooth.

Oh, all right. You got me.

Here it is!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Break out the Oral-B

Well, maybe we're not quite ready for an Oral-B yet...but Stella does have her 1st tooth coming in!


It was June 25th that we first noticed it barely poking through her gums...and now its ever-so-slowly coming more & more in!

Photos will be forthcoming......once I can get her to stay still with her mouth open for long enough, that is!

She is truly Little Miss Mobile these days;-)