You get more comments on your big blue eyes than anything else;-)
(In second place would be how smiley & happy you always are.)
And look at you, you big girl...standing on your own 2 feet!
Sometimes you wave inwards at yourself instead of out at the person who is saying HI to you. I know it won't last but Daddy & I think its just the cutest!
I think you own more hoodies than your Dad & I combined.
And that's sayin' something!
You sure do love your "Gi's"!
Yes, that's right. Mama bought a basket & put you inside of it so that she could take your photo.
This type of behavior should come as no surprise to you by now.
Not that you minded! You smiled the whole time:)
Purple stripes + hot-pink/green soled shoes = RAD
Man, kid. You are just too cool for school;-)
And that's sayin' something!
That's what you call Casey & Lucy...your (Dog) GI (es)!
This type of behavior should come as no surprise to you by now.

1 comment:
You killin' me here with those pictures!!! Stella is the best!
I wish I could fly up there for her first birthday party!
Give her a big kiss for me!
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