Well...as was predicted by many.........I've officially made it to my due date with Bean still comfy cozy inside her womb:)
Here we are...on September 8th...and I still have time to wait for furniture that hasn't arrived yet...and still more time to organize & re-organize her closet!
No worries, though. I'm still feeling great & am honestly in no hurry. Whenever she decides she's ready is fine by me!
For now...here are some pictures to show you what's going on in my world these days...
The first is a shot of Bean's first 2 teddy bears cozied up inside of her bassinet. They are keeping it warm for her until she gets here:)
The second 2 are quick glimpses of what her nursery looks like so far. Notice the 2 tones of green paint & the fabulous chair rail that Rob put up;-)
And the last one is me...at 40 weeks pregnant!
helo there (:
I cant help but smile as i was reading your blog! im happy fr you! Shes very lucky to have parents like u guys (: really.
Best of luck!!
A random Malaysian.
Almost here my dear!
Probably she just didn't want the Vedder kid stealing all the spotlight anyways...! :P
hmm . . . it is sep.9th . . . still waiting for the beans arrival . . allas i feel i was prolly a bit off with the due date . . . and now that she is waiting so long . . . . prolly wrong about her weight too . . . she is gonna be just like her big cousin Tyler :) . . which is awsome . . . there needs to be more Tylers in the world . . aah well . . . soon enough the day will be here and gone and we will wonder where the time went . . . and when we can expect the next little suprise :)
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