Though it seems hard to believe...we've just completed our 16th week already! Just under 4 weeks to go & we will be at the halfway mark...
And just 5 more months 'til we get to meet you!!!
I am told that you are about 5 inches long now & weigh as much as an avocado. How perfect that our little Pearl Jam baby is being compared to an avocado:) That makes me smile just to think of it.
I am feeling good; the headaches are less frequent & I seem to be less and less tired as the days go by. Last night I stayed up past 11pm...which was unheard of during my first trimester!
I read today that you are going to be going through a big growth spurt in the next few weeks. How exciting!! I imagine that I will start to "show" over the course of the next month or so, since I haven't really started to yet. I am still wearing all of my regular clothes but don't imagine that I will be able to for very much longer.
We go back to see the doctor this coming Tuesday. We are meeting Dr. Rudo's partner this time because the office wants us to get to know each of the doctors in the practice, in case Dr. Rudo happens to be out or on vacation when it comes time to deliver you. I hope that this new doctor is nice. Dr. Rudo said that this will be the appointment where we are given the prescription for our "big ultrasound"! Once we schedule that, I'm sure that your Dad and I will be counting down the days until we find out whether you are a boy or a girl!!!
It seems that a lot of people are thinking that you are a girl. I sit & wonder every day if they are right. It seems so unbelieveable that in just about a month, all of that wondering will be overwith!
Another thing I read this week was that you are starting to be able to hear around now. Ever since I read that, I have been trying to talk to you, in hopes that you can hear me. Today I told you that we were having hummus & fresh vegetables for lunch. I also sing a lot in the car...so I guess you are going to have to get used to that;-)
Well, my little avocado...be well in there. Grow strong & continue to be as good to me as you have been so far. Your Daddy & I are taking you to your first Pearl Jam shows in June, lucky little avocado baby that you are:) I can't wait till you are born so that we can get you your very own fan club number! You will thank us for that when you're older...promise;-)
Happy week 17 to us. I love you & will be seeing you soon.
1 comment:
I love your letters!
They are so cute!
I can't wait til you find out what your little "avocado" is!!! HOW EXCITING!!!
We'll be seeing Shari this coming Sunday right before we leave for Seattle and we are hoping we'll be able to hear the heart.. I can't wait :)
I look forward to reading your updates when you come back from the Dr's office.
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