Tuesday, November 25, 2008

'Tis the Season!

Today is the 25th of November, which makes us only 1 month away from Stella's 1st Christmas!

To celebrate, I dressed her in red velvet & took her picture:)

Shortly after these photos were taken, she dribbled spit-up all down the front of her dress.

It was on her all of 5 minutes.


Monday, November 24, 2008

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Tutu Thursday

Stella turned 10 weeks old today & I decided to take this silly photo of her.

Someday she will either love me or hate me for it.


Monday, November 17, 2008

Height/Weight Update

So Rob & I took Stella to her 2-month pediatrician's appointment last week & guess what?

She has grown s'more:)

She is up to 11 pounds & 23 1/2 inches!!

She also got her first round of immunizations & she and I BOTH cried.

I think I cried more though.

Poor baby...

I just couldn't take her lying there, all sweet & chipper...not knowing what was about to happen...and then BOOM.

Those evil nurses. LOL

9 1/2 weeks

She's really starting to look like her Dad, I think:)

P.S. It's official. I'm OBSESSED with baby hats;-)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

S'more New Pix

...a visit from Auntie Sarah...

...baby's first jeans...

Happy 2-Month Birthday, Baby:)


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Pumping Pays Off;-)

Stella is nearly 2 months old now & so we finally decided to try giving her expressed breast milk from a bottle. She was a bit apprehensive at first...but she ended up taking to it like the little champ that she is!

Here is a photo from the first time that her Daddy got to feed her:)

Thursday, November 6, 2008

just Stella:)

Stella's 1st Party!

The 1st party we got to take Stella to was a Halloween one at Mark & Dawn's. She got to meet their little boy, Luke, for the first time. They didn't seem all that interested in each other just yet...but I imagine that they'll be buddies before long;-)

*Happy Halloween*

I know that I'm a little late with my Halloween wishes...but alas...'tis the life of a new mom........always running just a wee bit behind;-)

Stella was too little to fit into any of the costumes that I found for her & so she spent much of her 1st Halloween in her holiday-inspired onesies. She looked super cute in them though...I must admit. Orange is a good color for her!

Stella's 1st Family Meal:)

Stella enjoys people so much. Its so wonderful to see her smiling & reacting to everyone who is so excited to be around her:)