Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Height/Weight check

Stella weighed 9 pounds, 4 ounces at her doctor's appointment last week & measured 22.5 inches long! My baby girl is getting so big so fast:)


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Stella @ 1 month:)

Stella turned 1 month old this past Saturday & I decided that I would like to take photos of her on the 11th of every month until she turns 1...so that we can see how much she changes month to month!

I wonder how old she'll be when she finally gets some hair on that head of hers;-)

Rob & I take her back to the pediatrician for her 1-month visit tomorrow & we are super anxious to see how much weight she's gained! She eats like a champ...so I'm sure it'll be quite a bit. She's actually been in the midst of a growth spurt these past few days, I think...because alllll she's wanted to do is E-A-T.

Friday, October 10, 2008

random Stella shots

...our carseat munchkin...

...stella with her pop...

...stella (engaged in a staring contest) with her pop...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Stella & Mommy:)


Family Time

Stella & I drove out to Ardmore to visit with the family last Thursday. That was the day she turned 3 weeks old:)

Here are a couple of shots from that day...

Stella & her swing

Stella just discovered the magical spinning mobile on her cradle swing & she really seems to enjoy it:)