Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Letter to a Bean 9
Dear Bean,
We are REALLY getting close now, little one! We have less than 2 weeks to go until our due date!! I can't believe how the time has flown by. It went by so slowly in the beginning...but lately, the weeks have been passing me by so quickly that I can hardly keep up!
Ever since we passed the 37-week mark, you've been considered "full-term" & so Dr. Heinzel says that you could be safely born at any time now. So whenever you're ready to...just say the word...and Daddy & I will get ourselves up to Lankenau & work on getting you out;-)
For some reason, I think that you'll be born either right on time or just a couple of days late. I don't think that you will come tooooo early...but I don't think that you'll linger for 2 weeks past our due date, either. That's just my feeling on it...but it's ultimately up to you, of course!
I have to tell you that your Dad is getting SO EXCITED to meet you! He installed your car seat already & wouldn't stop talking about how, before long, he'll be able to turn around and see his little girl "wiggling all around in there"... :) I must admit that it IS exciting to turn around & see it back there when we are driving around now, even if it IS still empty.
We have spent lots of time the last week or so working on getting your nursery ready for you. I love the paint colors that we picked out & hope that you will love them just as much. We are still waiting for your furniture to come in, though. I only hope it gets here before you do!
Ah well, Bean. We're in the home stretch now, my love. Thanks again for making this pregnancy so lovely for me. Even now, at 38+ weeks...I am still quite comfortable in mostly every way. If this is any indication of how you'll be once you're out here with us.......Daddy & I are going to have to make it a point to remind ourselves every day of how VERY LUCKY we are:)
Have a good day in there. Stay warm.
I'll be seeing you soon!
I love you.
~*Your Mom*
Monday, August 25, 2008
Maternity Photo Shoot:)

If you know me at all, you know that 2 of my truest loves are photography & nature......and Ridley Creek State Park is one my favorite places to go and relish in them both in all their glory.
Rob & I had our engagement photos taken there, as well as our wedding day "pro shots"...and so it only seemed fitting to take an afternoon day trip there to do a quick "maternity photo shoot". We had so much fun that we're considering going back for another round next weekend! LOL
Nathalie was the mastermind behind my *precious* 40D's lens for most of the day while she, Rob & I trekked all around the park, looking to be inspired...with my trusty bag of "baby props" in tow;-)
There are a lot of seemingly "classic" shots that appear on pretty much every professional photog's website in their "maternity" section that I'll admit I was hesitant to try, only because I didn't want them to seem passe or forced. A section of pink ribbon cut & tied around my belly to signify "It's a Girl!" & the forming of a heart shape around my belly button with my hands are 2 that fall easily into this category...but in hindsight, I'm glad that we decided to try them, in spite of being overused...because they came out awfully cute:)
Sunday, August 17, 2008
*37 weeks*
Here I am at 37 weeks!
Interestingly, I'm wearing the same navy blue shirt/red tank top combo that I wore in the 21-week "maternity" pic that Rob took for this blog:)
Too funny how much she has grown since then!
It looks like I'm smuggling a watermelon under there!!
Just 22 days to go...
Rob & I are working hard on her nursery. Wish us luck that we get it all done before she makes her arrival:)
Friday, August 15, 2008
*24 days to go*
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Just over a month to go!
I haven't written in awhile & felt it was due time for an update:)
Pregnancy has continued to be nothing short of a wonderful experience for me, up & through my 8th month. I am in my 35th week now and still feeling really good!
I am occasionally bothered with heartburn & definitely wake up to use the bathroom more often in the middle of the night now...but other than that & a bit of back pain, I have no complaints! Bean kicks & jabs me regularly and its still my favorite pasttime to lay down and patiently wait to watch her move my belly all around:) Yesterday at work, she pushed my belly out further than I've ever seen her do it before. There was no one around to see it but it was just SO cool; I couldn't help but laugh out loud!
We go back to see the doctor tomorrow & after that, we will be scheduling our appointments with them every week (as opposed to the every 2-week schedule that we've been on for awhile now).
I can't BELIEVE that this Friday will start the 1-month countdown to our due date!!! I wonder if little Bean knows how close she is to meeting all of us?
I wonder if my water will break at home?
I wonder how many hours I'll be in labor?
I wonder how much she'll weigh? And if she'll have hair?
Well, I suppose there's not much longer to wait for all of my questions to be answered:)
33 days & counting...
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