
My dearest Stella Bee,
Shame on your Mama for not finding more time to blog about you!!
I guess we are just too busy having fun together that I don't have a whole lot of time to write on here like I used to.
It's truly a shame though...because you're growing so fast & there is so much to say about you!!
You are such a big girl now. You turned 1 & a half just yesterday, in fact! It's so unbelievable that it has been 18 months since the day that you came into our lives. What a ride it's been:)
You have developed such a quirky & sweet little personality. You are just so pleasant & fun! You still LOVE to be read to & ADORE doing puzzles. Your alphabet puzzle is your absolute favorite. You love to swing on the swings & run around the playground so fast that I can barely keep up with you. The other day we met some friends for a picnic at the park & you had so much fun running all around that you were covered in so much mud before long that I had to change your clothes & run your sneakers through the washing machine when we came home!
You say SOOOOO many words, too. It's so incredible to me that you have learned so much from us in such a short time. I am so happy & SO very proud of you. As of 18 months, these are the words that you know & use on a regular basis...
MaaMaa (for Mom-Mom)
PaPa (for Pop-Pop)
Nana (for Nonna)
"CiCi" (for Lucy)
GiGi (your beloved Giraffe friend)
"Wah-Wah" (for water)
"Mah" (for milk)
Thank You
"Nah" (for no)
"Nana" (for banana)
What's that?
What's this?
Oh no
Oh Boy
Oh yeah
Oh well
"Foof" (for foot)
"Bibba" (for bib)
"Dipee" (for diaper)
"Vai" (for your purple dog, Violet)
Woof Woof/Meow
"Yah-Yah" (your version of "Quack Quack")
"Rarr" (your roar)
Ho Ho Ho (for Santa)
You try to put your socks & shoes on. You try to pull the zipper up on your jacket when we are getting ready to go out somewhere & you do your best to pull the jacket off when we get back home again. You try to buckle your car seat yourself. You find Lucy's toys, recognize that they are hers...and then give them to her. When you find a scrap of paper on the floor, you take it to the kitchen & put it into the trash. You know where your belly is...what your toes are...and where your hair is:) When I was putting laundry away in your room last week, you pulled your sleepers out of the laundry basket one by one & stuffed them into the dresser drawer that they go in. Yes-the correct drawer!
We just have so much fun together. I am so lucky to have you & so happy that we get to spend our days together. Thank you so much for being so sweet...and for loving life so much! I love you & can't wait for all that lies ahead for us:)
Hugs & Kisses,
Your Mama